
What is your Life Zone?

What is your Life Zone? The Colorado Springs Metro area is expanding . . . rapidly. . . . With that the city, and its neighbors, encompass various types of biomes and habitats.  Each incredibly diverse both in plant life and wildlife.  In this article I wanted to highlight notes from a Colorado State University Extension Office’s publication (7.421).  For the purposes of this article I am going to summarize and add a few personal opinions [...]

By |2020-09-23T20:37:22+00:00October 2nd, 2020|Education, Wild Life|1 Comment

Deer Don’t Read Manuals

Deer Don't Read Manuals CMA statement: deer do not read brochures and do not listen to us, so these are suggestions and may require multiple strategies. Step 1: Plan Strategically If you have a fenced area and a non-fenced area, do not plant a deers favorite treat outside the fenced area.  Don’t have any fenced areas, you may want to  consider a small fenced area if you want to have peonies and topiary trees, for example.  [...]

By |2020-09-18T02:23:39+00:00September 18th, 2020|Wild Life|0 Comments
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