
Winter Water

Winter Water! This important landscape maintenance tip isn’t brought up enough in Colorado or other high desert areas . . . WINTER WATERING! But why is winter watering important for the health and longevity of your trees and shrubs?  Let’s start with a simple (but complex) fact . . . snow inches DO NOT equal rain inches.  I have seen various experts claim anywhere from 3” to 12” of snow equals 1” of rain.  That [...]

By |2024-01-05T22:00:47+00:00January 5th, 2024|Maintenance, New Landscape, Planting, Shrubs, Trees|0 Comments

September Care Tips

September Care Tips I heard your comments that the fall maintenance tips looked daunting, so let’s break them down. For this article, I wanted to highlight the 5 things you should do in September.  If you are wanting a checklist of what you need to do this fall, this article isn’t it . . . . Check out our other article “Quick Fall Maintenance Tips” at https://www.csapexlandscapedesign.com/maintenance/quick-fall-maintenance-tips-for-your-landscape/ Fall Pruning Most of your shrubs and trees are [...]

By |2021-09-02T17:48:17+00:00September 4th, 2021|Maintenance, Planting, Shrubs, Trees|2 Comments

Recommended Installers

This is meant to be a living document.  So feel free to check back regularly as we update and improve our recommended specialists.  All of these contractors have been "interviewed" to help you find the best installer for your project.  As always, feel free to check them out for yourselves and make sure you ask questions specific to your project and your needs before hiring any contractor. If you are a landscape contractor looking to work [...]

By |2022-06-29T14:35:07+00:00May 20th, 2021|Maintenance, New Landscape, Planting|0 Comments

Quick Fall Maintenance Tips for Your Landscape

Quick Fall Maintenance Tips for Your Landscape Prefer to listen versus read?  Check out the recorded Live video on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/csapexlandscapedesign/videos/969034770248478 Note this is meant to be a quick reference as you prepare for the winter weather and is a compilation of various resources and experiences.  Although these tips were written with the Colorado/Front Range Region homeowners in mind many, if not all, of the items on this list apply to [...]

By |2020-10-15T17:11:25+00:00October 15th, 2020|Maintenance, Planting, Shrubs|1 Comment

Snow in May!!! What do I do?

Snow in May!!!  What do I do? Note: this article was written after sudden and unexpected snow storm in the Colorado Springs area May 21st, 2019.  We brought it out of archive because this information can be used after any late or unexpected cold weather. Well I wasn’t proactive for snow in mid-May and I am sure there are many in the Colorado Springs area like that as well.   So the big question . . [...]

By |2020-09-23T19:54:11+00:00September 30th, 2020|Maintenance|1 Comment

Weeds! Weeds! Too Many WEEDS!!!

Weeds!  Weeds!  Too Many WEEDS!!! I have heard it said and I think it is the best definition of a weed . . . a weed is a plant that is someplace you don’t want it to be.  I like this definition the best because although I may consider all thistles as weeds I have friends who argue just the opposite, thistles have medicinal properties and are good for butterflies.  Neither answer is wrong but it [...]

By |2020-09-23T18:20:22+00:00September 25th, 2020|Maintenance, Planting|1 Comment

Pruning, 2 Ways . . . . How to Prune Your Shrubs

Pruning, 2 Ways . . . . How to Prune Your Shrubs Let's start with the process. . . There are 2 main methods of pruning I recommend for homeowners. Rule of Thumb Rule of Thirds But what do these mean??? Rule of Thumb: This is a great method for lilacs, hydrangeas, dogwoods, roses, etc. . . . Look at your hand, look at the base of your thumb, any stems larger than the base of [...]

By |2020-09-23T17:54:11+00:00September 23rd, 2020|Maintenance, Planting, Shrubs|0 Comments
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